Hey there!
We are so excited to announce that starting from today, it’s available a new service for every user that has a VScloud Connect account connected with his Vasilis Skarleas project. It’s time to say goodbye at Google Analytics and welcome the new anonymized data era with Analytics by VScloud Connect.
Our analytics service is based on Matomo Analytics. It allows the full transparency between the data holders (us) and the data managers (you). Anonymization and protection of visitors identity are built in its core.
What we offer ?
All standard statistics reports: top keywords and search engines, websites, social media websites, top page URLs, page titles, user countries, providers, operating system, browser marketshare, screen resolution, desktop VS mobile, engagement (time on site, pages per visit, repeated visits), top campaigns, custom variables, top entry/exit pages, downloaded files, and many more, classified into four main analytics report categories – Visitors, Actions, Referrers, Goals/Ecommerce (30+ reports).
Real time data updates
Watch real time flow of visits to your website. Get a detailed view of your visitors, pages they have visited and goals they have triggered.
Customisable dashboard
Create new dashboards with widget configuration fit to your needs.
All websites dashboard
The best way to get an overview of what is happening on all your websites at once.
Row Evolution
Current and past metric data for any row in any report.
Analytics for Ecommerce
Understand and improve your online business thanks to advanced Ecommerce analytics features.
Goal Conversion Tracking
Track goals and identify whether you are meeting your current business objectives. Goals can be triggered when specific page URLs or page titles are viewed, when visitors stay for a certain amount of time on the website, or when custom events/file downloads/outlinks are clicked.
Event Tracking
Measure any interaction of users on your websites and apps.
Content Tracking
Measure impressions and clicks and CTR for image banners, text banners and any element on your pages.
Site Search Analytics
Track searches done on your internal search engine.
Custom Dimensions
Assign any custom data to your visitors or actions (like pages, events, …) and then visualise the reports of how many visits, conversions, page views, etc. there were for each custom dimension.
Custom Variables
Similar to Custom Dimensions: custom name-value pair that you can assign to your visitors (or page views) using the JavaScript Tracking API, and then visualise the reports of how many visits, conversions, etc. for each custom variable.
Locate your visitors for accurate detection of country, region, city or organisation. View the visitors statistics on a world map by country, region or city. View your latest visitors in real time.
User Segmentation
View and analyse reports on smaller groups of your audience, based on specific criteria like their country or whether they bought something (choose amongst more than 110 segments available and combine them with AND and OR operators to create your custom segments).
Pages Transitions
View what visitors did before and after viewing specific pages.
Page Overlay
Display statistics directly on top of your website with our smart overlay.
Site speed and page speed reports
Keeps track of how fast your website delivers content to your visitors.
Any limitations ?
Currently it’s possible to access your analytics dashboard only via your VScloud Connect account but we are working hard to provide you an independent access via https://analytics.madebyvasilis.site
Moreover, due to servers limitations, and until we can commercialize the Analytics by VScloud Connect, it’s impossible for us to sustainably maintain your analytics and tracking data for an unlimited amount of time. Right now, your analytics data will be stored only for 180 days.
What means ALPHA ?
ALPHA means: an early version of a program or application, typically unstable, but useful to show what the product will do.
We are constantly integrating the Analytics by VScloud Connect to a limited number of users. If you want to to be included on this testing version, please send us an email at [email protected]
How much does it cost ?
The product comes with your VScloud Connect account without extra cost, if you have a web project with Vasilis Skarleas.
Why are you moving away from Google Analytics ?
With the latest change of Google to Analytics GA4 version, the whole migration process was so stressful and in some cases so complex, something that made us think: Does it worth it ?
The answer is no, especially in those cases that a great number of websites have a compatibility issue with GA4. Even if the tracking code was installed, it’s was impossible for Google to capture any data. Being tired of this situtation, we said why don’t we search for a self hosted solution that can ensure both the transparency and the security of your visitors’ data. Everybody knows that Google is using the data collected from their Analytics services in order to create personalized advertisements that will be served to your website’s visitor in any of the channels that Google is handling.
That’s the reason why we say no to the exploitation of your visitors data and we are here to support that cause.